
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


MAD!!! that's what i am right now SOOOO MAD why? why you ask, for no other reason than hormones (and a slight lack of sleep but that's negligible).  That stupid, should be a four letter word, word.  Those stupids things are making me take everything personally, including every tiny annoying thing that the kids do today, even the fact that I can't get a hold of a family member (although I only left a message this morning and obviously if she was out for the day, she still wouldn't be home!).   GRRRR then my lovely well meaning, fantastic husband comes home (exert: despite how lovely he is, hormones make me say that he just got home from an easy day of work, with 4-5 hrs spent travelling, and he enjoyed a work lunch at a restaurant an hour before dinner) and asks me irritating questions like "how was your day?" and, with the kids hanging of him, "what can I do to help?".  These questions drive me crazy! Obviously my day sucked and is still sucking... AND obviously you can go freaking play with the kids, why do I need to even tell you that!!!  bah anyway I had way more cooler things to write about but no drive until I got sooo mad and then I was too mad to write about anything else...

Some other topics that I may get to writing about eventually are: vegetables for a local farm, finding cancer free (ahem I mean without possible carcinogens) soaps, lotions, detergents, and foods.  (not in that order).  SO in the event anyone is looking at this then toss a comment up because I would be WAY more likely to actually update if I thought anyone else was reading this :)

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